Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Take on Jon and Kate Plus 8

The season premiere of Jon and Kate Plus 8 was this Monday and I didn't even watch the whole episode on account that its soo awkward to watch. Jon and Kate clearly have some issues that they need to work through without a camera and crew around. I realize that the money they make from the show is clearly setting their family up for life and also given the chance to do lots of amazing things that otherwise a family of their size would never be able to do. But is it really worth all the money, free trips, and swag to have your family fall apart. I am sure when people start their own reality show they think its just gonna be a show, the crew films a few days a week whatever no big deal. Of course they forget about how the media plays everything up and what not. Having a reality show isn't the 23 minutes that we see there is alot of publicity that surrounds it as well some of it positive some of it negative. In my opinon they have a few options continue on the show suck it up best you can play reap all the financial benifits you can out of it and suffer with the repercutions of what might happen to your family. Or quit the show, lay low for 3 or 4 months go get normal jobs and return to life. They still can return to a somewhat normal life as the media will move on, we will forget about them and some other new scandal while surface and life will go on. Either way I am a sucker for a reality show, I will keep watching and wish them the best of luck!

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