Saturday, April 23, 2011

My New Favourite Hair Product

So I was in Chatters (Cdn hair place) and randomly picked up this Cloud 9 Blow out Serum and I LOVE IT. Gives my hair tons of moisture, makes it feel super soft, and even helps out in the straightening dept (takes less time to straighten). It smells awesome too which is always a bonus. If you are looking for something to make your hair feel amazing after you blow it out, you should definetly give it a try! It was about $17.00 for the bottle and sooo worth it, probably gonna be a new staple in my hair routine!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Or this!

Cannot Wait to See This!

So What Wednesday!

Welcome to this Wednesday's edition of So What Wednesday. I have a feeling today is gonna be one of "those days". So here is what I am saying so what to this Wednesday!

- So what if I am probably the whitest person in Manitoba right now, I keep say, yep will get a spray tan next week, hasn't happened yet.

- I have two giant zits on my face that I can't get rid of for the life of me!

- I love the show DC Cupcakes and am totally inspired by the girls who own the shop to own a business of my own (not cupcakes though).

- I ate a flattened granola bar that I had been carrying around in my purse for at least a week!

- I believe the expensiver the perfume the longer it will last.

What are you saying so what to this Wednesday?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So What Wednesday!

So lots of my blogger friends do the so what wednesday post and Ive decided to join in. So here is what I am saying so what to this Wednesday:

- I answer 65% of my emails from the bathroom. Oprah calls it multi tasking and so do I! Hey, Im a busy girl!

- That I don't wash my everyday bras as much as I should. Hey I sit at a desk all day they aren't getting sweaty or anything!

- That I have 11 pairs of shoes in my office at work, hello sista needs options!

- I ripped my Minx nails off within 24 hours of getting them done, who was I thinking I could pull off Nails a la Lady GaGa!

- I make total and complete fun of people with Lug Bags but I sooo haul work stuff around in a black one.

What are you saying so what to this Wednesday????