We all know the story of Jon and Kate Plus 8. Tonight we watched as they told all their beloved viewers and fans that they are seperating. Not only did they have to tell their children this horrible news but they know have told the world and their children will be reminded of it with the taping of tonights episode, tabloids, blogs, etc. I am not sure I know anyone who would sell their family for $75,000.00 an episode. I truly thought that tonight they would share with us that they are quiting the show to work on their marriage and family. I don't think their is ever a price tag you can put on your family, but apparently its worth $75,000.00 an episode to Kate.
I almost feel like I am invading their privacy watching their show. Five years ago they were a normal family with two sets of multiples enjoying life. Now it's all different, people don't change that much but fame can change people indefintely. The only thing that changed for them was free swag, fame, and a reality tv show. Kate said on tonights episode that she will do anything for her children that she has to, well how about quiting the show and giving them a chance at a semi normal life. But in her defence if she was going to do that then she should have done it six months ago, like she said she can only go forward now. Clearly the damage to her marriage has been done so I guess she can only keep up the show in order to financially support her family. It's too bad that in order to keep her family financially sound she had to break them up. I honestly wish their family the best and hope that everything works out for them one way or another. I think the best lesson learned here is no matter what the price, fame is never really worth it.