I can't even describe how "annoyed" I get with facebook. I have quite a few "Frequent updaters" as I like to refer to them as. By frequent update I mean this:
_________ is off to work
_________ is having an apple
_________ in a Meeting
_________ having a java
and this goes on and on and on all day!
Let's face it I think if you need to tell everyone what your doing every minute of the day your definetly looking for some attention and getting it on facebook is never a good idea!
My other facebook pet peeve is all the quiz's that everyone takes and HAS TO POST. Hello people there is a button that says do not publish, how about using it every once and a freakin while!
I don't care what bible character you resemble, what kind of nurse you are, when you will die, what UFC wrestler you are most like, what pussycat doll song best decribes you, what year you will get married in, or which lunch meat looks the most like you. If I wanna know one of these things Ill ask!
Let's keep facebook for what it was originally intended for, connecting with people and of course creepin on other people's pictures (hahaha)!!